what is the role of religion in the fight with disability?
i came across this question in my mind while talking with a patient who perfomed many rituals( religious practices) in the hope that his disabled son will be all right by some divine miracle .
I contacted the texts related with the major religions of world- hindu, christian, buddhist, islam and jewish to get their view on disability and the ways to fight with it.
Indeed, it was a mighty task for me to get time from my duties to study on this topic but i have prepared a summary based on my initial studies. I have excluded hindu view on disability from this discussion because i want to discuss it in a seperate article.
In the view of many religious persons, disablity arises as a result or more precisely punishment for the wrong actions done by the persons in the past. But this thinking has arised due to the misinterpretation of religious texts. Religious scriptures- bible, koran have a different view. In their view, disability is not provided to a person by god for his mistakes. God makes a person disabled just to see and assess the behaviour of other healthier and wealthier people wheher they have humanely emotions of respect and charity towards the weak or not. Hence, from the religious point of view, disabled persons get central point of importance because if somone serves them, he will rise in the eyes of god.
christian religion have a very sympathetic view about disabled persons. Churches always cared about the weak and disabled population. it is written in the bible that jesus christ always shown deep concern for the welfare of blind, deaf, paralysed and weak persons and treated them as special children of god.By his actions, he shown that the persons serving the weaker and disabled, gets greater in the eyes of god.
Many saints in the christianity, while working for the weaker, poor and disabled, established that the service of these persons is the special service to god.
jewish religion strongly advocates that everyone should try to support a weaker person so that to make him independent..Jewish culture accept the disaled people as human just like others.
buddhist religion explain disability as an opportunity for common people to live an unselfish and spiritual life by showing humanity, charity and help to disabled. Buddhist religion beleives that disability is the result of past bad karmas( actions). But from the positive point of view, it offers a good opportunity for the persons around the disabled persons to do some good actions to get rewarded in their next lives.
Islam religion believes that the disabled persons have the right to get extra support from the society. In islamic belief, allah cares much for his children who are weaker and disabled. Koran says that the allah does not love the selfish and egoist people. Allah want the healthier and wealthier people to use their resources for those persons who are weak and needful. According to islamic beleif, this leads to social balance and allows everybody to live a social life.
thus, all religions become one on this fact- serving the disabled is an opportunity to get a humble status in the eyes of god. More precisely, serving disabled is the special service to god.
please note that above article has excluded the hindu view on disability. There is a need to discuss the hindu view on disability in much detail because it is very important from indian point of view
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